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Toko Duta Safety Jakarta
Boots are one of the most popular types of footwear among men, especially in a country with two seasons. Boots Men's boots have a shape like shoes in general, but more closed up to the ankle up, some even reach below the knee.Boots are commonly used by construction workers, farmers, and others. These shoes serve to protect feet from water when in the fields, mortar for construction workers, or can also protect feet from danger threats such as nails, thorns, wire and others.Boots consist of 2 types, namely safety (there is iron), and non-safety (usually there is no iron). Boots also consist of many kinds, some are safety, there are Legion, Petrova, Leopard, Gosave and many others. and the non-safety ones are Petrova, Leopard, Pico, Eigros, AP boot moto 3, Marker, Ando, Wing on, and many others.
Of the many choices regarding our product safety, please choose to protect your feet from harm, because you can't afford your health, but to maintain your health, you need to sacrifice a little of your wealth. Thus the description of our product catalog, if there is a misspelling of words or there are sentences that are not polite, I apologize. Thank you so much